Below you can find all our factories and our operational offices: we have a covered area of approximately 19,000 mq, in a total area of approximately 40,000 mq.
Establishment (1) Registered office
Pressofusioni Sebine Spa Registered office is located in Via Fornaci, 22.
Built in 1974, it has a covered surface area of approximately 6.550 mq.
Establishment (2) can be accessed from Via Artigiani.Built in 1997, it houses the foundry and tooling departments with a covered surface of approximately 4.000 mq.
establishment (3) FONDERIE BRESCIANI srl
Establishment (3), FONDERIE BRESCIANI srl, is used as a Foundry and Warehouse and has a covered area of approximately 1.200 mq.
Establishment (4) - ETTORE BRESCIANI SRL
The factory (4), ETTORE BRESCIANI SRL, hosts the Mechanical processing departments with a covered area of approximately 1.850 mq.
Establishment (5) warehouse area
Establishment (5) represents our warehouse area, with a covered surface area of approximately 3.200 mq.
Establishment (6) warehouse and workshop
Establishment (6) houses the mold warehouse and the mechanical workshop, with a covered area of approximately 3,000 m2.